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Project Members

Client and Collaborator roles, how they're different, and how to use them.

James avatar
Written by James
Updated over a week ago

Pro users have the option to add Project Members under 2 different roles being the Client and Collaborator roles. Being a Project Member provides additional privileges that the Playlist Link does not have, as Clients and Collaborators have their own secure login, unique permissions for uploading and downloads files, along with in app push notifications and more.


The client role is intended for use by audio engineers who are being paid to mix, master, or produce a project for a client. The special privileges of the Client roles is being able to approve projects, make payments and leave feedback.


Not every person in the project may be a paying client, which is where the Collaborator role comes into play. Perhaps you have an intern working for you or are co-writing on a project. The Collaborator role gives more creative liberties to people in the project and allows people to manage files and leave feedback.

Client Role

Collaborator Role

Download files

Individually set

Individually set

Approve projects

Make payments

Upload files

Leave feedback

Manage project files

Individual secure logins

In app push notifications

Workflow Tip:

When working with an entire band, turn commenting and approvals off for the project link, and add the point person as a Client. This way, only the point person can give you feedback and approve the project so you don’t have to deal with the guitarist telling you to turn up the guitars, and drummer telling you to turn them down with the singer telling you everything is too loud.

Adding a Project Member

To add a Project Member, select the add member icon in the upper right side of the screen on desktop, or by navigating to the expanded menu on mobile, and selecting “Add Member”.

Once the Add Members menu appears, enter the name(s) or an email address of the person you wish to add as a Project Member. If you are sending an email, you can add a custom email message that will be included with your project invite.

If you only add a name instead of an email address, you will be able to come back and copy a link that you can text or share another way to invite a Project Member.

After you have input the individuals you would like to invite, you can choose whether the current users are added with the Client or the Collaborator role. You can only add one type of role at a time, but you can always change a Project Members role easily once the invite has been sent out and it won't affect the invitation.

Lastly, choose your preferred download permission. Again, this can be changed on a person by person basis later if necessary.

For the Client role you can pick from 3 different download permissions:

  • Disabled - cannot download regardless of the project approval status

  • After approval - can download files once the project is approved

  • Allowed - can download files at any time over the project lifetime

When adding Collaborators, there are only 2 download permissions to select from as the Collaborator role is not apart of the approval process.

  • Disabled - cannot download regardless of the project approval status

  • Allowed - can download files at any time over the project lifetime


This download permission setting is specifically for each individual Project Member and does NOT to affect any other Project Member or the Playlist Link.

Once you have input the member’s information and selected your preferred download permission, click “Add” which will advance you to the invite screen.

If you wish to edit, or resend the invite link you can do so by clicking on the Project Member icons in the upper right side of the screen. If users have not upload a profile picture they will be assigned a random color for their icon and have the first letter of their name displayed in their icon.


If an invited Team Member already has a HitSend account, they can use their usual login and access the project under “Shared Projects”. If not, they will need to create a login, but will be able to create a free Project Member account.

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