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Mobile Overview

A quick overview of the HitSend Project screen on mobile

James avatar
Written by James
Updated over a week ago

HitSend is built for any device that has access to an internet browser, which of course includes mobile devices as the mobile version provides you with all the same great functionality of the HitSend Platform with a compact mobile interface.

Project Sidebar

If you want to change the current project you have selected, navigate to the project sidebar with the bottom navigation panel by selecting the tab labeled "Projects". From the project view you can select a different project, manage the current project you have selected, see your workspace overview, or go to your workspace trash.

Project Header

View your account notifications, navigate through the project file hierarchy, manage the Playlist Link or add Project Members as part of the high level project management.

Project Cards

The project cards show project information about your Playlist, Deliverable Package, Invoices and Checklist as well as provide access to each item. If you have more than 2 cards, you can scroll through them by swiping, or by using the arrows in the header directly above the cards.

Project Files

See and manage each individual file in your project by adding files to the playlist or project deliverables, updating a file status, renaming files, and more on the go.

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